Bureau of Justice Statistics
Official Estimates of Crime Victimization
Most crime (except motor vehicle theft) is not reported to the police. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (part of the U.S. Department of Justice) is the primary statistical agency for the Department of Justice. They field a survey each year to gauge how much crime actually occurred. They have been doing this since 1973. Their estimates have been limited in the past to national estimates, however, they have recently started making estimates for some of the large states. Their data tool, N-Dash, is limited as of this writing. They produce many reports on topics, particularly those covered by their ongoing data collection programs, and those for which grant funds were allocated. Topics range quite a bit from PREA (prison rape) data, recidivism studies, opioid screening, such as
BJS Publications Page
March 2023 Report: Criminal Victimization in the 22 Largest States Report Page